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Our Story

Born and raised in Jasper, Alberta, dancing has been part of Nicole Koebel's life since she could walk. Obsessed with dance from a young age Nicole went on to study dance at University of Calgary where she finished her degree in Dance Education. Following her passion, she has danced and taught in Canada, Hawaii and Central America and continues to study and teach dance both home and abroad.  Nicole is certified in Pilates, Zumba and Rhythm Works Integrative Dance.

An Idea is Born

Jasper Dance Program is happy to provide classes for all ages from tots to adults and all styles from Hip Hop to Bollywood. Started in the year 2000 by Nicole Koebel BPE DE, Jasper Dance Program runs from September till April 29, International Day of Dance!

Tiny Dancer
Natalie Allin

Some of our past students

Natalie Allin has is currently Miss British Columbia and Miss Grand Canada. From a young age Natalie spent many hours in the studio and on the stage. She has always had an amazing stage presence and grace.

Ben Ritter

Ben is travelling all over the world dancing professionally. He is hard to keep track of! He was a wonderful student to choreograph on as he seemed to have a photograghic memory and endless energy!

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